
First: – scientific authority

 1. Implementation of the University Council decisions with regard to the college. 

2. administrative the College  scientifically and , educationally, cultural and financial. 

3. follow up the initial study and senior in college. 

4. chair of the Faculty Council and scientific bodies and the lifting of its records to the Rector for authentication. 

5. Prepare scientific reports quarterly and annual activities for the college. 

6. approval of the recommendations of the District Councils and Branches. 

7. scientific and administrative supervision of the activities of scientific departments and consulting firm. 

8. recommend the appointment of heads of academic departments and aide Brig. 

9. The application and all instructions issued on the organization of scientific and educational affairs and decisions issued by the College Board regulations. 

10. invite the Faculty Council to convene in special sessions. 

11. formation of the Main Committees at the college and their own administrative orders issued. 

12. The formation of committees of the college exams and exam committees printed questions. 

13. Annual performance evaluation of faculty members in consultation with the Head of Department or scientific branch. 

14. College representation at meetings and seminars.

Second: – administrative powers

Administrative Dean’s Authority –

1. upgrading of faculty and staff and technicians and administrators and granting annual bonuses on them in accordance with the provisions of the laws and decisions and regulation.

2. the signing of contracts and the use of faculty experts and technicians Arabs and foreigners and conditions of their employment status as well as the termination of their services in accordance with the terms of the contract and the decisions and regulations in force.

3. dispatch employees of the college all of the faculty and administrative staff and workers within the country for a period of 60 days for scientific purposes or for the purposes of training students or for other purposes required by the college’s interest and core functions and give them allowances IFAD assessed and recommendation of there dispatch to the outside diameter of the mentioned purposes and according to the instructions window .

4. recommending the transfer of holding advanced degrees (Master’s and PhD) and what their standard.

5. Overture state departments and all institutions (except for higher authorities and Ministers offices) in all matters relating to the college of things scientific and educational aspects within the competence of the college except for the policy University.

6. approve the use of the services of the teaching staff by government departments and the university according to the law of service.

7. Accept the resignation of technical and managerial personnel in accordance with the provisions of the relevant material in the civil service law in force after making sure they can deliver on their obligations to the state, if any, as well as the innocence of their net worth by assets other than the teaching staff (m n s 117 of 1988).

8. Approval of full-time teaching staff full-time after the adoption of the recommendation to them by section or the relevant branch and the College Board and give them allowances scheduled to meet it.

9. Approval of travel teaching staff and other employees all out of Iraq during the school year (in necessary cases is distorting the process of teaching) to enjoy vacations normal by the provisions of the law, as well as the approval of the travel mentioned during the holidays school (spring and summer) subject to the deadlines installed in Calendar university for the disintegration and direct.

10. vacations normal salaries for teachers from retiring from the service university and non-university cumulative limit (180) day according to the provisions of paragraph (e) of Article (9) of the University Service Law No. (142) of 1976 amended and service instructions university in number (3) of 1979, as well as regular vacations for technical staff and administrators retiring and social security and the pay of the applicable instructions.

11. dangers absent from official working hours without a legitimate excuse of teaching staff and technicians and administrative staff and commands as independent  from their jobs issue after the end of the notice period according to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations issued under taking into account the notice of the legal department Directorate at the University Center for those who have commitments with the State to take action on the settlement of those obligations by their commitments and contracts signed by the university or other departments.

12. recommendation to change the technical and managerial personnel in situations that require the discretion of the Dean certified according to grades in college angel of the amount subject to the controls by the university on the address change addresses.

13. referral technicians and administrative staff to retire when they reach the third age sixty years of age and the condition mentioned in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Retirement Law No. (33) for the year 1966 average.

14. determine the official working hours within officially designated hours as appropriate need and nature of the work at the college.

15. granting marital attendant for teachers and professional staff and administrators on leave in accordance with the provisions of the laws and decisions and instructions applicable in college.

16. granting of cash and in-kind bonuses to their employees in cases and events that require recognition or stimulation and encouragement to no more than about (50,000) fifty thousand dinars for each case that is sponsoring the provisions of laws and regulations and applicable instructions and conditions for providing financial allocations.

17. conducting transfer of staff in light of the need and the interest of the college and after coordination between the kidneys to the university / Division of Planning and Follow-up /owners with a copy of Administrative Order Judge provide transport for the purpose of documenting it in Owners fundamentalism records.

18. granting leave to employees during the college spring break.

19. appointment of the top ten students at the college and university to provide a copy of the appointment orders for the purpose of marking and after omner provide certified.

20. approve the registration of students for studies.

21. Approval of the recommendations of the committees formed at the college.

Third: – financial powers exercised Dean of the College the following financial powers: – 

1. granting allowances of all kinds and according to the laws and decrees and instructions and regulations issued by the competent authority and in accordance with the provisions of the University Service Law No. 176 of 1976 average. 

2. approval of the purchase and import of laboratory methods and other supplies, magazines and books according to the existing legislation. 

3.  approve the bonuses exchange for those from outside the university on training and teaching within the college and supervision of the messages and participate in the committees of the comprehensive examination and discussion committees by the legislation in force. 

4. exchange on all the chapters of the total budget and materials and the limits of the authority contained in the law implementing the annual general budget of the state and in the absence of their appearance in this law shall be expired in the exchange limit the amount of (10000000) ten million Iraqi dinars in each case. 

5. consent to be bound and to refer the various undertakings and contracting for the Conduct of educational activities of the college and the limits of the powers contained in paragraph (4) above.

6. Granting of assistance and the adoption of additional disclosures for all business and undertakings contained in paragraphs (5.4) above.

7. approve the designs, maps and studies carried out by the people and competent engineering consulting offices Baltusaiat own, additives in the college buildings and facilities or related accessories.

8. reward employees of the college employees and non-working efforts to meet or acts or activities or sacrifices in business performance and reduce the amount of (25,000) Twenty-five thousand dinars in each case.

9. approval to write off the damaged state funds or bad for reasons other than deliberate neglect and reduce the amount of (million dinars).