
Director of the Administrative section 

The work of the Administrative Division
The work of the Administrative Division is continuous work with the rest of the divisions and administrative units and departments in the college to upgrade the college to better performance and get the highest ranks within the faculties of the university, and is considered the Administrative Division of the important people in the college and to the large number of duties entrusted to it where the Division save all information Private college teachers, staff and updated periodically and continuously, and based on the university received orders to us from the presidency of the University of Diyala and administrative orders
 And I made sure the Administrative Division to keep pace with progress in various fields through our commitment to periodic and continuous contact with the presidency of Diyala University / Department of Administration and ensure the best use of the system of modern and programs through which we can raise the level of the best management of the Division and the best performance that serves the interests of the work in our college dear and service in the public interest and you can be familiar with the duties of the Administrative Division and the most important units that operate within this Division, as follows: –
The duties and functions of the Administrative section 

 1-completion of administrative orders to proceed with the appointment and resignation and disengagement and transfer services to Tdresen and staff.

2. completion of career change the title and awarded scientific title and wrote to the health of the breasts and appointment certificate transactions.
3-promotion completion of transactions and annual bonuses for Tdresen and staff.
4-completion dismissed politicians and the addition of service transactions.
5-answer the official correspondence of the University and other parties and to approach these actors in all that concerns the employees of the college.
6-print administrative orders and official books special leave and leave of absences.
7-circulating orders and directives to the people and units and all sections of the college.
8-issuing special orders rewards wrote thanks and appreciation and give football career and set up the service summary.
9-sustaining angel records and employees of the college installed a year after the appointment.
10-completion of transactions pension adherents who have reached the legal age and Asaddaralawamr disentangling refer to retire.
11-prepare monthly statistical angel own staff.
12. accomplish and sustain the monthly variables Information for employees in the national retirement program body
13. sustain the service records and conservation in personal binders for Tdresen and staff
14-do archiving for electronic filing and archiving on CD.
15-receipt and delivery of incoming mail by an accredited college and recorded.
16-allocation of the departments and units within the college authorized to receive mail.
17-mail distribution outside of the University and other parties certified by the college.
18-preparation workforce report monthly and sent to the presidency of the university.
19 – update the database on the developments of administrative orders.
20-supplying all departments and units, the people and the university for the data college cadre.
21. provide attendees detect your device footprint and Bamoadarat daily staff daily absences.
22-do archiving for electronic books outgoing and incoming and saved on CD.
23. cleanliness of the college buildings and gardens and sustain.
24-Maintenance and repair mechanisms.
25-prepare statements disbursements fuel.
26-up drivers and the validity of the mechanisms and sustain.
27-perform maintenance and repairs to the college facilities including electrical and plumbing.
28-expired maintenance and follow-up generators.
29. Follow-up disbursements and fuel oils for generators.
30-repairing air conditioning and heating equipment.

 Distribution functions of the Administrative Division for 2013

1. Unit of Human Resources
    Unity official
    Ruaa  Kadhim Jawad
   Tasks and duties assigned to the unit
1-issuing administrative orders to proceed with the appointment.
2. completion of career change the title and awarded the title of scientific transactions.
3-wrote the completion of the health of the breasts and the certificate of appointment.
4-together completion of promotion campaigns and annual bonuses
5 completion of bi-Seine and the addition of service transactions dismissed.
6-sustaining Angel Records
7-answer the official correspondence of the University and other parties
8-wrote the issuance of thanks, appreciation and wrote grant foot support.
9-ordering deployment and disengagement, direct and resign. 2- National Pension Unit     Manaf Ismail Saleh Unity official    Tasks and duties assigned to the unit 1-sustaining monthly variables Information adherents in the national retirement program body. 2-issue orders disentangling refer to retire 3-completion of pension transactions. 4-completion of the monthly variables forms.  3-unit personal data and binders.      Zainab Hassan Ali Unity official      Suharmohamd Hassan      Rasha Hifzi Rezouki    Tasks and duties assigned to the unit 1-conservation in personal binders. 2-sustaining service records. 3-completion service Summary 4. fill out forms for accountability and justice.
 4- Unit outgoing and incoming and reproduction.    
   Ferial Hamdan Unity official       Mohammed Abed Abdul certified mail       Chaste behind Salman     Tasks and duties assigned to the unit 1-receipt and delivery of incoming and outgoing mail and register. 2-distribution of the departments and units within the college authorized to receive mail. 3-distribution mail from the outside by an accredited college     
5. Unit Informatics    
Zainab Abdullahi Yusuf         Unity official     Najat Rashid Abdul Qadir