
Goals of department

Teach students studying in the department on techniques required in all areas of modern communication systems and their applications in scientific and field state departments. qualify graduates capable of working in government departments and the private sector engineering staff specialist efficiently and effectively. Contribute to provide an advanced level of related activities and the realization of the institutions experience and lead to the fulfillment of their need of human resources in order to achieve their success and the evolution and continuation.

Department message

Expanding educational base and their applications in modern field of telematics and communications across both the international network and devices and cellular all advanced communication systems form that meets the need of institutions, both belonging to the state or the private sector through education, training and rehabilitation input from Human Resources (students) and make them able to deal with modern techniques and working in different institutions efficiently and effectively serve our dear country march.

About Department

The revolution that the world attests now  in the field of data communications across both the international network and devices, cellular and modern communications, Department ofCommunications Engineering has made the most important scientific departments modern engineering, the main role in the development and change of civilization, cultural and scientificcommunication between nations and peoples. The transfer of information have large effect in practical life since brewing communications are simple, which are messages that are transmitted by human or carrier pigeon. Although of their importance at the time ,but lacked the speed factor. So the work of scientists to increase the speed factor for the transfer of information by devising means of primary communication, which was characterized by a distance of Transportation few relatively slow speed such as phones and old encryption .Due to major role provided by these devices in war and peace, it was necessary for scientists from developed and up dated to what we have reached now. The Department of Communications  Engineering in Diyala University/college of engineering. Since it was founded in 2002,aims to preparing engineering staff able to work in various sectors of telecommunications services  for Diyala conservation  in particular, and to our beloved Iraq in general. Communication Department graduated several courses and was the first session of the academic year 2006/2005 since the founding of the Department of Communications Engineering in 2002 section continues to expand activities in research, education and scientific services through the department, which include: – 1.Analog and Digital Communications Engineering. 2.Modern Communications Engineering. 3.Engineering-band microwave. 4.Engineering antennas and propagation. 5.Radar and satellite engineering. 6.Cellular hardware engineering. 7.Digital Signal and Image Processing Engineering. 8.Optical communications and laser engineering. 9.Microprocessor and network architecture The bachelor’s degree in Communications Engineering conferred by department are obtained through the course over four years of study science


going Department to develop the curriculum in line with modern scientific developments in the field of engineering communications in addition to completing all the special requirements of scientific laboratories in the department. We seek to improve the staffed of teaching by dispatching members of Department of postgraduate in both inside and outside the country, and configure the appropriate conditions for scientific research in order to get Degrees required to be a Department able to compete in its own right and marked with the corresponding sections only local of which or the Arab and international Our ambitions We aspire to open graduate studies for a master’s certificate in the disciplines of engineering various communication to be Department of scientific expertise to attract local and international center of which to open the horizons of cooperation through conferences, consulting, training, scientific research and development through broad and orderly opening to the community.