نشر بحث علمي
نشر الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور انيس عبد الله كاظم بحث علمي بعنوان
(تأثير ثاني أوكسيد الكربون على الحديد المطاوع في الماء المصاحب للنفط)
(Effect of CO2 corrosion behavior of mild steel in oilfield produced water)
في دار النشر (Elsevier) في انكلترا
في المجلة العلمية (Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries)
وكان البحث يدور حول دراسة معدلات تاكل الحديد في الماء المصاحب للنفط وتأثير مصدر وجود غاز ثاني اوكسيد الكاربون عليها.حيث اثبتت الدراسة ان معدل التاكل يزداد بزيادة درجة الحرارة وسرعة جريان المحلول
اما ملخص البحث بالغة الانكليزية
The corrosion rates of API X65 mild steel alloy in CO2 – containing produced water have been studied by weight loss technique, potentiodynamic polarization technique and characterization of the corroded surface techniques. The effect of temperature, speed of rotation, pH and acetic acid concentration were studied. The optimum condition in presence and absence of protective film were also addressed. The kinetic parameters and reaction behavior were discussed in details. Corrosion rates increases with increasing temperature, acetic acid concentration, and speed of rotation, and decreased with increasing solution pH. The primary corrosion product of API X65 mild steel is ferrous carbonate (FeCO3) at high temperatures, high pH’s (alkaline media) and absence of acetic acid, which could act as a protective film so that CO2 corrosion rate can be reduced.
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